I struggled with providing a clear message to the business about how much code we have and came up with a Harry Potter Metric, i encourage you to read more about it on dev.to
Author: Krzysztof Deptuła
Recurrent Neural Networks – Hello World
Last time i wrote about how I learned basics of Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch. This time we’ll be dealing with Recurrent Neural Networks. The crucial trait of RNNs and their descendants is the ability to handle variable input size. Whereas for CNNs the input image has to be resized to fit expected input size, […]
Convolutional Neural Networks – Hello World
With all the hustle and bustle with GPT-3, Chat GPT and recent results in image recognition, I realized that it’s about time to learn something in this realm not to fall behind that much. Hence, this time I’m going to present the most basic Convolutional Neural Network I could imagine that still exhibits some interesting […]
What is it all about? If you always wanted to create your own Kubernetes cluster from scratch, learn all the nitty-gritty and experiment with highly available environment, these tutorial is for you. We’re going to setup a multi-node, highly-available cluster and deploy a simple application that will help you grasp all the details and connect […]
Git mining
Software development leverages version control for multiple reasons. I assume that you are familiar with git blame used to trace a person who committed particular change, git checkout to several branches to find out which version does contain a bug and which doesn’t. The history of changes is however useful not only for survival when […]
Creating an event-based application backed by an event store persistence seems to be most reasonable and predictable way to have flexible software. These less than 200 lines present a simple, training implementation of a a file-based single-threaded event store through which I’d like to present this idea. Prequisites Create .NET console app Paste all the […]
Look for solution in problem space
I like to say that developers are not code writers, but system designers. They’re not there to type code, but to provide a solution for a given problem. An important detail is that a solution for a problem is not exactly the same as a solution that meets the requirements document. Not too vague, not […]
Forget HTTP, use Websockets
For most applications you’re going to build, HTTP communication is a no-brainer. However, as a system grows, a real-time communication between client and server becomes a requirement and the developers apply a websocket-based solution. But websockets not only provide push notification from server to client, they also create a handful of opportunities to follow good […]
Remove dependency refactoring
Recently I have worked on removing a compile time dependency between two domains. What I have stumbled upon turned out to be a simple yet comprehensive example of a common problem that I believe many of us encounter every day. Below you can find what was the problem setting, why it important to get rid […]
It’s 2020, why do we type code?
According to Wikipedia, the Fortran was launched in 1957 and is considered the first commercially available programming language. A github search shows 6,743 repositories as of October, 2020. If you want, you can easily find out that code written in Fortran, as it consists of widely-used keywords, is still intelligible. It does mean, that the […]