Projects and Code

Setup free Kubernetes cluster on Oracle Cloud

What is it all about? If you always wanted to create your own Kubernetes cluster from scratch, learn all the nitty-gritty and experiment with highly available environment, these tutorial is for you. We’re going to setup a multi-node, highly-available cluster and deploy a simple application that will help you grasp all the details and connect […]

Projects and Code

Learn event store with file-based example

Creating an event-based application backed by an event store persistence seems to be most reasonable and predictable way to have flexible software. These less than 200 lines present a simple, training implementation of a a file-based single-threaded event store through which I’d like to present this idea. Prequisites Create .NET console app Paste all the […]

Projects and Code

Reactive web crawling system [1] Introduction

Disclaimer: This is the first post of a series which will introduce an evolving, public github project of a crawling system. The reactive web crawling system gives every person an opportunity to, after creating an account, hold a dashboard of web crawler queries and results. A user can scrap data from any website – check […]